Takashi Shimizu studying the violin with S.Tokunaga at the age of 6,and then with S.Sumi. He won first prize in the All Japan Student Music Competition at age of 10,and made his debut playing with the NHK Symphony Orchestra. Also he studied sometimes under Y.Yankelevich. After Shimizu won 3 first prize of the All Japan Music Competitions and others at the age of 17. The following year, he was dispatched to United States and studied under Jascha Heifetz at Southern California University. Shimizu study French style of bowing and French Music under M.Auclair with advice of Heifetz. Shimizu went to London with advice of Auclair. He was studying chamber music with Y. Neaman for 14 years. In the meantime, he studied with Yehudi Menuhin and Nathan Milstein.

Shimizu won 1st prize or took high places in many international competitions, and won the Grand Prix at the competition for winners of international competition in Bordeaux Festival. Shimizu made his London debut with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under the leader of Yehudi Menuhin. After he played with the Major Orchestras in UK and many countrys.

He was given his daughter’s misdiagnosis, it let him go back to Japan. He was resumed playing activities in 1999 by advice of Heifetz’s assistant.

Shimizu has performed with Orchestras , such as the London S., Royal P. and others In UK, National de Belgique, Brussel P. and others in Belgium, Her Resident, Stuttgart P. and others in Germany, Austria, Spain and Italy In Western Europe. Eastern Europe, he has played with the State S. Russia, Moscow Radio S. and others in Russia, George Enescu P., Brasov P. and others in Romania, Sofia P., Plovdiv P. and others in Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Moldova and Montenegro.

In Asia he has performed with orchestras in China, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia and Japan. He played chamber music with Martha Argerich many time. And played Ivry Gitlis, Bruno Canino, Pavel Gililov, Yuri Bashmet, Mario Burnello, Alexander Rudin, Alexander Kniazev, Misha Maisky, etc.

He served as jury member for such competitions:
Seoul International, International ISANGYUN, China International,, Singapore International, Queen Elisabeth, Tchaikovsky,International Tchaikovsky Young, Long-Thibaud-Crespin, Joseph Joachim, Jean Sibelius, Vladimir Spivakov, Euroasia International and others.

Also he was invited 21 countries for masterclass.