
Rieko Suzuki graduated from Toho Gakuen School of Music. She studied under Isako Shinozaki at the said university, and Josef Gingold at Indiana University. She also studied with Henryk Szeryng, Nathan Milstein, and Michel Schwalbe in summer and other seminars. She assumed the position of co-concert mistress of New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra when she was 23 years old.

Since1997, Rieko Suzuki has started exploiting her arena mainly as soloist. She performed with various major orchestras, held solo recitals in regional cities throughout Japan, and has been invited to a number of music festivals in Japan and overseas. The range of her work did not just stay within a boundary of the conventional classical music. She has produced an unique movement with a concept of “East and West.” As performance of resident artist of Kanazawa Kenritsu Ongakudo, her original production attracted public attention widely. Her broad-ranging efforts include the performances of all pieces of Beethoven’s String Quartets, regular appearances as guest concertmistress of Malmö Stadsteater in Sweden, and so on.

The New Zealand Tour Rieko Suzuki accomplished in 2004, with a fund from the Japan Foundation, was highly praised and reported in local radios and newspapers. She held a recital in Thailand in 2005 and made a recital tour in Beijing and Chengdu of China, in 2006. She has been invited to various music festivals including Yogyakarta Contemporary Music Festival in Indonesia, and International Music Festival in Phnom Penh in 2007 and 2008, and other festivals in Indonesia, India and other countries in Asian region in 2009. Her solo performance without any accompaniment, which she typically does in such a festival, always wins a rave review. She is also committed to support young artists. She held master-classes for soloists and chamber music players at music faculties of national music schools in many countries for example New Zealand, Indonesia, and China.

Rieko Suzuki’s loyal relationships with other musicians result in a number of appearances of premieres of newly written pieces.

Rieko Suzuki’s discography as soloist includes Vivaldi’s "Four Seasons,” which she performed with the Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra; “Rêve ď une nuit ď été”; "From The Orient,” which was recognized as one of the recommended albums by a major Japanese classical music magazine, Record Geijustu; S. Melillo’s US Grammy Award winning (in four categories) album “Writing on the Wall,” in which she participated in the violin concerto; "Winter Garden,” which was produced by Joe Hisaishi; and an album titled "Chopin Fantasy.” She released, with Akira Wakabayashi as a duo, “Johannes Brahms Sonatas for Violin and Piano No.1, 2, and 3” (from King International) in 2013; “Shubertiana” (from Octavia Records), in June of 2014, which was selected as one of the recommended albums by Record Geijustu; and “Mozart Violin Sonatas Vol.1”(from Octavia Records) in September, 2015, which was also listed in the recommended albums by Record Geijustu.

Rieko Suzuki has devoted herself to produce “Beyond the Border Festival,” where cross-genre music and arts of east and west of the globe interweave, which first took place in 2008 at the Yokohama Museum of Art. (Then it was held at Yokohama Mirai Hall in 2009 and 2014, and at Kakegawa City Cultural Hall in 2010.) This is a festival where world leading artists from fields of classical music, Gagaku music (ancient Japanese court music), Khoomi, voice performances, paintings, calligraphy, and Hua jia quan (Chinese Wushu) intertwined. It is hugely praised as it is distinctive and innovative.

In recent years, with a pianist as well as her husband Akira Wakabayashi, Rieko Suzuki has been active pursuing new efforts. As duo, their performances of various pieces of violin and piano, including all violin sonata pieces of Beethoven are acclaimed greatly for their sincere interpretation and profound style.

Rieko Suzuki’s official home page: http://reikosuzuki.com


鈴木理恵子(ヴァイオリン) Rieko Suzuki, Violin

 桐朋学園大学卒業後、23歳で新日本フィル副コンサートミストレスに就任。在学中は篠崎功子、インディアナ大学でJ.ギンゴールド、夏季セミナーなどでH.シェリング、N.ミルシタイン、M.シュヴァルベの各氏に師事。  97年からはソロを中心に活動。ソリストとして主要オーケストラとの共演、全国各地でのリサイタル他、国内外の数々の音楽祭に招かれる。また、クラシックに留まらず「東洋と西洋」をテーマに独自の活動を展開。神奈川県立音楽堂のレジデンスとしての斬新な公演は話題を呼んだ。さらにはベートーヴェンの弦楽四重奏曲全曲演奏等を行う他、スウェーデン・マルメ市立歌劇場の客演コンサートマスターとしても定期的に招かれるなど、その活動は幅広い。また04年より14年2月まで、読売日本交響楽団の客員コンサートマスターを務めた。



 ソロCDは、ヴィヴァルディ「四季」(共演チェコフィル室内)、「夏の夜の夢」、「フロム・ジ・オリエント」(レコード芸術準特選盤)、S. メリロのヴァイオリン協奏曲で参加した「Writing on the Wall」(米国グラミー賞4部門ノミネート)、久石譲プロデュース「ウィンター・ガーデン」、「ショパン・ファンタジー」等をリリース。2013年には若林顕とのデュオによる「ブラームス:ヴァイオリン・ソナタ全集」(キングインターナショナル)。を発売。2014年6月には、若林顕とのデュオで「シューベルティアーナ」(オクタヴィア・レコード レコード芸術準特選盤)を、2015年9月には若林顕とのデュオで「モーツァルト:ヴァイオリンソナタ集Vol.1」(オクタヴィア・レコード レコード芸術準特選盤)を発売。  08年に横浜美術館にて、東西の音楽やアートがジャンルを越えて交わる「ビヨンド・ザ・ボーダー音楽祭」を自らプロデュース(その後09年・14年横浜みなとみらいホール、2010年掛川市文化会館で開催)。国際的に活躍を続けるアーティスト達が集まり、クラシック音楽、雅楽、ホーミー、声のパフォーマンス、絵画、書、花架拳等がボーダーレスに響き合い一体となる斬新な内容が、大変高く評価されている。

 また近年は夫でもあるピアニスト若林顕とのデュオで、ベートーヴェンのヴァイオリン・ソナタ全曲をはじめとする数々のヴァイオリンとピアノのための名作に意欲的に取り組んでおり、その真摯な解釈による奥深い演奏が高い評価を得ている。 公式サイト
